Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan - Chapter 96

Translator: FenrirTL

Editor: Mob


< Chapter 96: Flash Demon (1) >

The Camellia Palace was recently overwhelmed by a steadily growing crowd.

It was all due to the business Cecilia had recently started.

– So, this part needs to be redesigned like this….

– Tailor! Where’s the tailor gone!

– The fit isn’t right, is it? Get me some pins.

– You know the items on shelf C31? That… What? Another team took them first? You idiot! I told you to secure them in advance!

– The model? Where’s the model that was supposed to be here by now? Send someone to find them quickly! We’re in a time crunch!

With so many people rushing around the palace, it was hard to tell who was who.

Even the butlers and maids, with half-dazed expressions, only moved around to replenish snacks and drinks so the guests wouldn’t get hungry.

“…The place just gets crazier as time goes by.”

Kirsion, who was entering the Camellia Palace with people from the workshop carrying the ordered items, chuckled in disbelief.

There wasn’t even a single servant available to greet new guests.

The business hadn’t even officially started yet, and it was already this chaotic?

‘They did say it’s because they’re finalizing the dresses and formal wear for the upcoming social party at Sooseon Palace, so it must be extra hectic right now.’

Indeed, the clothes Cecilia had made, which Kirsion had glimpsed, were exceptional in both design and material.

Even someone with Kirsion’s discerning eye couldn’t help but be impressed.

The problem, however, was the marketing approach.

No matter how high the quality of the product, if it wasn’t properly advertised, it could spell disaster.

Especially in haute culture , where word of mouth was everything.

Securing that first customer was crucial.

‘Considering Theo’s recent reputation, there’s little to worry about… but that also makes the risk that much greater.’

It was just when Kirsion had placed his pipe in his mouth.

“You’ve arrived, Mother?”

Cecilia, looking a bit tired, noticed Kirsion belatedly and approached.

Though the dark circles under her eyes were evident, her gaze remained sharp and full of life.


The same gleam that Kirsion had fallen in love with when he first saw Cecilia take the stage so long ago.

“Yes. I’ve brought all the items you requested… but you do realize that last payment was about the limit, don’t you? I’ve told you before, I don’t do credit.”

“Yes, I’m fully aware of that. There’s a big social party in a few days, and the shop will open around that time as well. Once we start taking orders, cash flow should ease up a bit. We’re already getting a few preliminary estimates.”

“Well, if you’ve got everything under control, I don’t have much else to say.”

Cecilia was doing remarkably well for someone starting a new business.

But wasn’t it the universal trait of all parents to constantly worry about what their children were up to?

Cecilia, knowing Kirsion’s thoughts, smiled softly.

“Don’t worry. I won’t push myself too hard. If I ever find myself in a real bind, I’ll come to you for advice.”

“Hmph! If you say it like that.”

Another common trait of all parents was that no matter how old their children got, they could never dislike a little dependence from them.

Kirsion, feeling a bit embarrassed, cleared her throat unnecessarily, but couldn’t stop the corners of her mouth from twitching into a smile.

“Ah, but aren’t you supposed to be somewhere else right now?”

Then, as if something had suddenly come to mind, Kirsion quickly changed the topic.

Cecilia tilted her head in confusion.

“Is something going on? Ah, has the treatment for the people my son asked you to help finished?”

“That’s all fine. They’re in the middle of connecting the nerves right now, so there’s no issue. I’m talking about the news from the Rose Palace.”

“The Rose Palace…?”

Cecilia’s eyes trembled slightly.

“Looks like you haven’t been keeping up with anything outside, have you? Even though your son’s at the center of the commotion.”

“Wait, did something happen to my son?”

Cecilia urgently grabbed Kirsion by the collar.

“Keck, keck! Let go and talk! How many times have I told you? That kid has the cunning of a dozen snakes hidden inside him! Do you think something could possibly happen to him?”


“That brat took off the head of the third wife this morning. He’s also accused the Director of Central Intelligence of treason.”


Kirsion took a light puff from her pipe before continuing.


“Because of that, there’s chaos everywhere. You’d better be careful. People are going to swarm around here like packs of dogs.”

“Is that so? But my son wasn’t hurt, right?”

“Hm? That’s what I heard.”

Kirsion blinked her eyes.

Cecilia’s reaction was different from what she had expected.

She had thought Cecilia would be happy, but instead, she looked surprisingly calm.

“That’s fortunate. Thank you for telling me. Well then, I have another meeting, so I’ll be heading inside now.”

Cecilia gave a slight bow and returned to the palace.

Her demeanor was no different from usual.


Kirsion stood blankly, pipe in his mouth, scratching the back of his head.

* * *

‘Emil… is dead.’

Cecilia’s mind was clouded with numerous thoughts as she walked towards the meeting room.

Though she had acted as if nothing was wrong in front of Kirsion.

She couldn’t actually remain unaffected.

In fact, there wasn’t even a meeting scheduled.

‘Emil is dead…’

Cecilia ordered that no one be allowed in, then sat alone in the empty meeting room, covering her face with both hands.

The tribulations she had endured because of Emil and her son came flooding back to her mind.

The vicious rumors that had labeled her as a temptress, a fallen woman—spread when Cecilia had severed ties with her mother and entered the Rose Palace, her eyes only for Kyle.

The atmosphere that ostracized Theo, offering nothing but scorn and finger-pointing at him for being called a cripple.

The constant assassination threats from the Central Intelligence Bureau, attempting to drive them out of the Rose Palace at every opportunity.

She lived each day as if walking on a razor’s edge, all to protect Theo.

Perhaps that was why she had pushed Theo even harder.

– This powerless, worthless mother of yours… When I die someday, there will be no one left to protect you. What will you do then?

When had it started?

Cecilia had instinctively realized that she didn’t have much time left.

Whether due to an assassination, or some unknown illness.

A vague sense of her own death, thinking she might not last a few more years.

That was how ominous the atmosphere surrounding her and Theo had become.

Sometimes, she even had nightmares of herself falsely accused, her neck on the guillotine.

In those dreams, Theo would look at her with sorrowful eyes.

Do not follow in the footsteps of your wretched mother. Find your own happiness.

That’s what I should have said… I’m sorry for being so late.

So please, leave this place.

Run away, my son.

‘…But it was you who changed the fate that seemed inevitable.’

Just how much suffering must you have endured to make it this far, my son?

Tears welled up uncontrollably in her eyes.

At that moment,

“Please, use this.”

Suddenly, someone offered a handkerchief beside her.

“Head maid…? I thought I told you to let no one in.”

“Yes. That was my intention, too, but…”

The head maid gave a slight smirk and glanced toward the door.

“Lord Kirsion insisted that this be delivered to you, no matter what…”


Only then did Cecilia recall the last image of Kirsion with a bitter smile on his face.

Her mother.

Her mother had understood the feelings of this foolish daughter.

Cecilia accepted the handkerchief the head maid handed her.

Inside, there was a small note.

Don’t cry. It’s a look that doesn’t suit you.

There’s only one look that suits you. The one when you tease this old mother of yours. Like then, always act confident. And look down upon the world with arrogance. That’s when you shine the brightest.

That’s why you are the one and only daughter of this Kirsion.

A faint smile appeared on Cecilia’s lips.

And then, before she realized it, she let out a soft laugh.

P.S. If you really feel like crying, cry out of pity for your poor mother, who always ends up penniless because of that wicked grandson of mine. I’ll turn a blind eye to that.

‘This part feels the most sincere, doesn’t it?’

At last, Cecilia was able to shake off the weight in her heart and rise from her seat.

By now, all thoughts of Emil and her mother had vanished from her mind.

* * *

– The Director of Central Intelligence tried to stage a rebellion!

Just as rumors about Theo were beginning to stir Winterer, a new rumor hit the city like a storm.

A rebellion by Soaring Dragon, one of the Nine Dragons.

If it involved the Central Intelligence Bureau, the very core of Ragnar’s power, this was a matter far too serious to ignore.

Some tried to dismiss it as mere gossip.

But soon, public opinion shifted drastically, thanks to the heads displayed at Ragnar’s front gates.

Among them was the head of Emil Troyban, the third wife.

Also displayed were the heads of key officials from the Central Intelligence Bureau, including Deputy Director Morgan, and even the head of Quadrach from the Ceres Trading Company.

Drip, drip…

Fresh blood from the severed heads stained the ground bright red.


The notice posted below the display provided even more explicit details about the incident.

These criminals were all in collusion with First-Class Criminal Ed Troyban, having stolen confidential information from the main family over an extended period…

But the most shocking part was at the bottom of the notice.

…In this case of rebellion, it has been confirmed that the powerful Troyban family from the East and the heretical Sacred Demon Church were behind the conspiracy.

– W-What is this?

– Soaring Dragon conspired with Troyban and the Sacred Demon Church? No, that’s not it. Soaring Dragon was just a puppet of Troyban and the Sacred Demon Church, wasn’t he?

-Disgusting…! How could he commit such acts despite having Ragnar’s favor?

– It makes sense for Troyban, as it was Soaring Dragon’s main family, but why the Sacred Demon Church all of a sudden? That’s a cult that the Imperial Family officially declared heretical! Soaring Dragon must’ve gone mad!

– What about the Lord? Has the Lord said anything?

The area in front of the notice was crowded with people.

The crowd continued to grow.

…Thus, Ragnar asks Troyban and the Sacred Demon Church:

What was it that you sought to plot within Ragnar? We will give you a 72-hour reprieve. The extent of the Winter Mountain Lord’s wrath will depend on your answer.

People trembled all over at the declaration, which was practically a declaration of war.

– It’s war!

– War could break out any moment!

– The Dragon’s wrath will soon turn the East into a sea of flames!


It felt like a bloody wind was blowing.

* * *

The person at the center of the rumors stirring up Winterer was, without a doubt, Theo.

It was revealed that he had uncovered everything—from dealing with Axion to Emil’s execution and Ed’s treachery.

New rumors about him were already spreading far and wide.

– ‘Flash Demon’ might get as close to the throne as the five major candidates.

People were even starting to say they might need to start referring to him as the ‘sixth candidate.’


Theo, the subject of the rumors, was receiving news he hadn’t wanted to hear.

“Ed Troyban… has gone missing?”

Evelyn, with a heavy expression, nodded.

“The news came just a little while ago from Lady Kleve. The Black Dragon himself launched a surprise attack on the place where Soaring Dragon had been called, but he had already fled long before.”

“…So he threw his own sister as bait and ran.”

They had intended to handle the situation swiftly, before Ed could realize it, but the sly man had already caught on and slipped away.

He truly was a despicable person.

No matter how urgent the situation was, how could he abandon his own sister and subordinates like that?

‘Or, maybe it was because he did that, that no one on our side noticed his escape?’

That meant Ed had been prepared all along to use them as sacrifices for a time like this.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Theo’s mind.

‘Wait. Then…?’

“They’re tracking him from Black Snow, so we should wait a little longer… Why the sudden question?”

“What about the First Armory? The one that only the Lord is allowed to enter—what happened to it?”

Evelyn found Theo’s sudden question odd, but assumed there was a reason, so she nodded.

“Let me check.”

A moment later.

“…They’re saying a fire has gotten out of control and it’s causing chaos. How did you know?”

Theo covered his face with his hand.

‘It’s too late.’

The First Armory was a place Ed had spent a long time preparing.

It was where the “Dragon Spirit’s Cursed Blade” he’d heard about in his visions was located.

Seeing that the situation had turned unfavorable, it seemed Ed had raided the place to secure the relics.

‘Fortunately, I recovered these earrings and the ring, but I’ll need to get the rest as well.’

Just as Theo was thinking that—

[A quest has arrived.]


[Scenario Quest #3]

An enemy from your past life has stolen a relic that should be yours. However, you currently lack the ability to reclaim the relic. To level up, gain recognition from the two relics you have already recovered.

· Current Progress: 0/2

· Difficulty: A+

· Reward: Ownership of the two relics

· Failure: Death


At that moment, his inventory began to vibrate.

As if something was urging him to take it out.