I Was Mistaken as a Great War Commander - Chapter 96

Chapter 96 - The Courageous Lion and the Wise Fox

『 Translator – Divinity 』

『 PR – Vein 』

Despite wanting to stay in Bellanos for at least a few more days, even if he couldn't stay for months, that wish didn't come true.

This was because a private jet sent by the Imperial family arrived in Tentarbachem at noon the next day.

Naturally, he was ordered to return immediately, and Daniel had no choice but to board the jet.

As soon as Daniel boarded the plane with Hartmann's escort, it took off and headed straight back to the capital.

The private jet, flying freely through the skies of the Empire, landed at the airport near the Imperial Palace.

As Daniel disembarked, he saw members of the Imperial Household waiting for him against the backdrop of the sunset.

The Chief of the Imperial Household, leading them, informed Daniel that "His Majesty awaits" and had him board an official vehicle.

To be honest, Daniel wanted to rest, but he couldn't refuse the Emperor's summons.

After arriving at the palace, Daniel was led by the Chief of the Imperial Household to a room called the "Golden Sanctuary."

Daniel, unsure what kind of room it was, cautiously asked, and was told that it was "a room where His Majesty goes to drink alone or contemplate."

In short, he had been invited to the Emperor's personal space.

Feeling a sense of foreboding, Daniel followed with a tense heart and finally stopped when they reached the top floor of the palace.

"His Majesty awaits you beyond this door."

The door the Chief of the Imperial Household pointed to was lavishly decorated with gold.

Daniel finally understood why this room was called the Golden Sanctuary.

"His Majesty dislikes it when people hesitate to answer his questions, so it would be best to respond promptly."

Daniel adjusted his clothes and nodded at the Chief of the Imperial Household's advice.

After confirming that he was ready, the Chief of the Imperial Household knocked on the door.

"Your Majesty! Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Steiner has arrived to see you!"

A voice from inside told them to enter.

The Chief of the Imperial Household bowed his head and gestured, and the Imperial Guards who had been waiting on both sides of the door moved.

They opened the door, and Daniel saw the Emperor's back as he stood on the terrace, looking outside.

Large murals with gold embellishments decorated the walls of the room, and the ceiling was a glass dome, allowing the moonlight to shine through.

Expensive carpets covered the floor, and a glass cabinet filled with rare and expensive whiskeys, the kind one would rarely see in their lifetime, adorned one side of the room.

It was a paradise of luxury, making Daniel feel intimidated.

After briefly observing his surroundings, he walked to the center of the room and saluted Emperor Bertram.

"Your Majesty! Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Steiner has returned after completing his mission as an ambassador..."

Daniel stopped mid-sentence.

Bertram waved his hand dismissively, as if telling him to skip the formalities.

As Daniel lowered his hand that he had raised to salute, Bertram said quietly,

"Come here. I have something to show you."

Daniel nodded and approached Bertram.

When he got closer, Bertram glanced at him and pointed downwards with his hand.

"Do you see? My people."

Daniel followed Bertram's gaze.

Countless people were on the streets, waving their hands and cheering.

Although he couldn't estimate the exact number, there were at least ten thousand people.

As Daniel looked at the city view in a daze, Bertram chuckled.

"They've all come out to celebrate your safe return. It's practically a festival. Well, half of them are probably just using it as an excuse to enjoy a festival, but still."

"...I didn't expect this many people to gather."

"It's a small number considering it's the return of a war hero. This reminds me of when I returned to the capital after leading my first war to victory. Everyone praised my achievements."

Bertram's eyes narrowed as he gazed at the crowd.

"And now, those same people are praising your achievements. So let me ask you, are these my people, or yours?"

It was a calm question, but not one that Daniel could easily answer.

It was the first time the Emperor had openly expressed his wariness towards him.

Feeling a sense of crisis, Daniel immediately knelt on one knee.

"Your Majesty! The people praising me are, in essence, praising Your Majesty's achievements! I am merely an officer, a servant following the Empire's orders. And the Empire is Your Majesty, so how could they be my people?"

Bertram chuckled softly at Daniel's explanation.

'He's become accustomed to dealing with power. The tremor in his voice has lessened significantly.'

When they first met, Daniel had been flustered and eager to please, but now, although he was still cautious, there was a sense of composure in his demeanor.

It was proof that he had become comfortable interacting with those in power, whether he realized it or not.

Bertram, observing him closely, nodded.

"If you say so, then it must be true. Rise. Let's have a drink."

Bertram walked into the room, and Daniel stood up.

Bertram walked to the mahogany table in the center of the room, where a bottle of fine whiskey and two crystal glasses were placed.

As Daniel approached, Bertram sat down and picked up the bottle.

"Have a seat."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Daniel bowed his head and sat down, and Bertram poured him a glass of whiskey.

The whiskey in the bottle had an amber hue with a hint of gold.

Although he felt a momentary excitement at the thought of drinking such high-quality whiskey, it was short-lived.

"Your Majesty?"

Daniel looked at Bertram with a confused expression.

Bertram had filled the glass to the brim.

This wasn't how people usually drank whiskey.

Especially with high-quality whiskey, it was customary to savor the flavor and aroma by taking small sips.

Yet, Bertram had filled the glass completely, despite knowing this.

"Drink it."


"I'll drink as well."

Bertram filled his own glass to the brim as well.

Seeing this, Daniel exclaimed in surprise,

"Your Majesty! I heard your health has improved, but drinking like that could be dangerous!"

But Bertram just brushed it off with a laugh.

"I know my own body best. I won't die from drinking like this, and I won't live forever even if I don't drink. So, drink up."

Bertram put the whiskey bottle aside after filling the glasses.

He raised his glass, and Daniel, unable to refuse, also raised his.

They made eye contact briefly, then emptied their glasses in one gulp.

Bertram let out a satisfied groan, but Daniel started coughing violently.

While this was something Bertram had often done in his younger days, it was the first time Daniel had ever downed a full glass of whiskey like that.

Bertram watched him cough as if he was about to die, then burst into laughter.

"I heard you liked to drink, but it seems that's not the case. Can't even handle this much?"

"This is... Cough! ...a first for me... I apologize."

Daniel finally caught his breath, straightened up, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Bertram, observing him with a knowing look, quietly said,

"Looking at you reminds me of a fable."

"...A fable, Your Majesty?"

"Yes. Do you know the fable of the courageous lion and the wise fox?"

Of course, he did.

It was a famous story that parents in the Empire told their children.

The story was simple.

A courageous lion, having succeeded in protecting the forest from humans, summoned all the animals of the forest.

The lion declared that there were animals colluding with humans and interrogated and devoured them one by one.

Among them, only the fox managed to escape alive.

Daniel, having grown up without parents, also heard this story from the head priest of the monastery.

"Anyone who doesn't know that story must be a spy."

"Then we can speak freely. How do you think the fox managed to avoid becoming the lion's prey and escape?"

The interesting thing about this story was that the interpretation of how the fox outsmarted the lion varied from family to family.

So, parents would make up their own stories and tell their children how the fox escaped.

'Of course...'

Daniel knew that Bertram wasn't genuinely curious.

'...How long is he going to test me?'

It was natural for him to be wary of a war hero who had achieved excessive merits.

Daniel also understood that the Emperor's paranoia was growing in his old age.

However, understanding and accepting were two different things.

The effects of the hastily consumed alcohol were starting to kick in, and his emotions were overriding his reason.

'The Emperor can't find fault with me for successfully concluding the treaty in Bellanos. So this conversation...'

...was nothing more than nitpicking.

"Tell me. How do you think the fox escaped?"

The second question was sharper.

The Chief of the Imperial Household's warning not to remain silent made him anxious.

Lost in thought, Daniel decided to simply repeat what the head priest had told him.

He believed that it would be safer to say what he had actually heard than to make something up.

"Your Majesty, may I answer with the story I heard from the head priest who raised me?"

He was emphasizing that this was just a story he had heard from the head priest in his childhood.

If that were true, Bertram wouldn't be able to blame him for whatever he said.

'He's good at getting out of situations,' Bertram thought with admiration and nodded.

"Go ahead."

"The head priest first mentioned that the lion met a rabbit before visiting the fox. You know how the rabbit died, don't you, Your Majesty?"

"Of course. The rabbit, wanting to avoid being eaten by the lion, prepared a bribe. I believe it was a basket full of blackberries..."

"Unfortunately, the lion had a severe blackberry allergy. Thinking that he was being mocked, the lion devoured the rabbit on the spot."

"Yes, that's right."

Bertram responded as if recalling the story, and Daniel continued,

"The head priest said that the fox, seeing this, must have eaten a tremendous amount of blackberries the day before. He even said that the fox would have left blackberries all over his house."

Bertram looked at Daniel meaningfully.

Daniel continued his story,

"The next day, when the lion came to his house, the fox said, 'Oh great lion, you could swallow me whole in an instant. But you must remember this one thing. My body is filled with the blood of blackberries, so if you eat me...'"

After a brief silence, Daniel met Bertram's gaze and concluded,

"...you must also be prepared to die."