I Level Up With In-app Purchases - Chapter 107

EP.107 Enhancement is Gambling (4)

A weapon gleaming with radiance.

The crimson weapon that had captured my heart underwent an incredible transformation after reaching +12.

Not only had its appearance become even more luxurious, but while I had envied Ariane's purple magical energy, my weapon now had golden energy swirling around it.

'This is insane. It's so beautiful. Is this really mine?'

The difference from Ariane's +11 weapon wasn't just the color change.

While Ariane's weapon had purple magical energy that hazily drifted around it like fog, my weapon had golden energy that whirled and spun rapidly in circles.

You had to see it to believe it.

I slung this fantastical weapon familiarly across my back and headed to the training grounds.

During class, I could barely contain my excitement.

"What's up with their weapon?"

"That's sick. Whoa, is that magical energy flowing like that?"

"How much money did you spend... I'm jealous. Where'd you get that?"

No one is more sensitive to equipment changes than nobles.

When I walked in carrying Flame Dragon's Bloom, murmurs spread among the students.

The corners of my mouth kept twitching upward.

"Hey... what is that? No way?"

Ariane in particular had an intense reaction to my weapon.


Barely suppressing my twitching smile, I tried to play it cool.

"Oh~ Ariane. Just kind of happened, you know."

"How? How did you do it? Is this really +12? It's +12, not +11, right? Not just because it's a different weapon."

Ariane's shocked expression kept making my heart flutter with glee.

"Yeah, I just got lucky somehow."

I had to stay humble - if I showed off too much, it might discourage my friend who had spent a lot of money but was still stuck at +11.

I had to be careful not to let my voice rise.

Though I'd already failed at controlling my smile.

"...Can I ask how long it took?"

"About three hours? Four hours? Like, it wouldn't go past +8 at all. Just kept going 4,5,6, 6,5,4 over and over. I was getting really mad, but then suddenly it hit +8 and went straight up to +12."

"R-really? So it's +12, you say."

Ariane was stumbling over their words.

She was completely absorbed in what I was saying.

"There was a bit of a crisis. Mister suggested I stop when it hit +11."

"And then?"

"I said I'd go for it. I need +12 or nothing! Something like that."


"So I did it. And tada! It hit +12!"

"So, you're saying you got to +12 in 3-4 hours? It, it probably didn't cost much either?"

"Huh? Yeah... I guess it was pretty reasonable."

Sensing Ariane's strange mood, I belatedly forced an awkward smile and lowered the corners of my mouth.

"The appearance seems different too, right? Your bow wasn't this flashy before. The bow limbs are gleaming like they've been oiled?"

"Yeah... when it hit +12, the appearance changed. Didn't that happen to yours?"

+11 versus +12.

Just one level difference.

It shouldn't be that big a difference...

"No? I didn't get anything like that? Why not at +11? Are they looking down on +11? +11 is really high too!"

...Should I stop?

Ariane's face was terrifying.

With their small frame and naturally cute face, Ariane usually looks adorable even with a blank expression.

But right now, it seemed better for my well-being to keep my distance rather than find them cute.

'But I haven't finished showing off yet.'

While the changed appearance and golden energy were worth bragging about, I hadn't even mentioned the real prize yet.

Should I? Is it okay?

They'll get to +12 eventually anyway, so isn't this information they should know?

Unable to contain my impulse, I finally opened my mouth.

"And when I got to +12, it unlocked a hidden ability."

"Hidden ability? What's that?"

Ariane's eyes shook even more intensely.

"Apparently each piece of equipment has a locked ability. Your weapon probably has one too."

"My weapon has a locked ability? And you can unlock it at +12? Not at +11, only at +12?"

"Want me to show you?"

"Yes, show me!"

At Ariane's eager request, I stood before a training dummy with <Flame Dragon's Bloom> fitting snugly in my hand.

I set the training dummy to evasion mode and the training level to S.

When I drew the bowstring without an arrow, a golden magical arrow appeared in my hand.

'Ah, so smooth.'

So this is what they mean by equipment advantage.

Just drawing the arrow gives me an exhilarating sensation.

The evasion dummy moves around me at incredible speed.

At training level S, the dummy moves too fast for the eye to follow.

How can I hit it with an arrow when I can't even track it with my eyes?

'I would have been sweating buckets before.'

I aimed at where the dummy had vanished and released the arrow.


Surprisingly, the rapidly fired golden arrow curved in a U-shape toward its target.

Though the dummy moved nimbly trying to dodge the incoming arrow, no matter how fast it moved, it couldn't outspeed my arrow.

'My arrow is faster!'

No matter how the dummy tried to dodge, how could it avoid an arrow that curved in an S-shape?

The golden magical arrow struck the evasion dummy's heart perfectly.

Thunk, crack!

To prove it wasn't a fluke, I aimed at another evasion dummy.

Once again, it was moving too fast to track with the naked eye.

That was natural for an evasion dummy with all its stats focused on dodging rather than attacking.

'They say there are monsters in the military that can move at these speeds while attacking too.'

If I can't even handle a training dummy, how could I fight on the battlefield?

I need to be able to handle this easily to maintain the dignity of Class A.


Feeling the thrilling sensation, I fired the arrow at the dummy.

No matter how much the evasion dummy tried to run away, it was destined to be pierced by the arrow.

This was the predetermined outcome the moment I released the bowstring.


The arrow pierced the dummy's neck, the force snapping it clean off.


"How did they hit that?"

"I could barely even see it."

"The arrow follows the dummy. Is that the ability?"

"So jealous. Doesn't that ability mean attacks always hit?"

"That's so broken!"

Before I knew it, the other students who were training nearby had started watching my practice.

Since I had it set to training level S, I suppose it made for an interesting spectacle.

A guided arrow that tracks and attacks its target until the end.That was the hidden ability of the weapon called.

'The kids think it's my ability.'

The unfair part is that this isn't my ability at all.

If you were to use guided arrows as an ability, it would necessarily consume magical power.

But since this is an ability built into the weapon itself, it doesn't use any magical power when used.

'That's what makes it insane.'

After that, I only stopped training after hitting three more evasion dummies.

Clap clap clap!!!

The students watching from around me applauded.

The applause was so encouraging that I couldn't hide my satisfaction as I walked over to Ariane.

Ariane had been staring at me so intensely it was almost uncomfortable.

"That curved arrow just now, that wasn't your ability, was it?"

"Nope. This is Flame Dragon's Bloom's ability. My accuracy isn't bad, but with this, I can focus on other things, which makes it super convenient."

Instead of concentrating on accuracy, let's say you roughly designate a target and shoot an arrow.

Since it will definitely hit once fired, you can focus your attention elsewhere.

Like surveying the battle situation around you, or preparing for enemy attacks.

"And see how it's stuck in the dummy? It has this thing called penetration power that makes it pierce really well."

According to the general store owner, it was possible because of this mysterious ability called penetration power, and I was so in love with it I thought I might go crazy.

"It's such a waste to use this on mere dummies. I can't wait to try it in real combat."

"I'm going to do it too. +12!"

"Yeah, I did it, so there's no reason you can't. You'll be able to do it."

Ariane should be able to do it too.

If I could do it, how could they not?

Logically speaking, that wouldn't make any sense.

"Can I hear what you two are talking about?"

"Oh? Vine!"


Come to think of it, didn't they say they bought a weapon from the old man too?

Then, they should be able to enhance it too?


Isn't it strange?

I wasn't the type of person to go around bragging like this.

I even used to think people who bragged about buying good equipment were immature.

But now that I had a weapon I wanted to show off, I was acting no different from them.

My heart was tingling, my lips were twitching, and my tongue kept squirming.

'I can't hold it in!!!'

Ah, how could anyone hold this in?

"You want to hear about enhancement?"

"Enhancement? What's that?"

Looking at Vine's innocent eyes made my conscience sting, but my mouth was already rambling on about enhancement.

Come to think of it, since Fran knows the old man too, wouldn't they have bought equipment?

'I should tell Fran too. The more people know about this, the better, right?'

I smiled contentedly, imagining the kids drooling over my +12 weapon.

It was an irresistible moment of showing off.

⁂ ⁂ ⁂

"What's with everyone coming here like this."

Shine, Ariane, Vine, and even Fran.

I hadn't expected them all to rush over while the city lockdown was still in effect.

Personally, I think the academy should have maintained the student curfew.

"Please enhance it!!!!!!!!!!"

"I came because I want to try this enhancement thing too."

"Not me. I just came because they told me to..."

Ariane, Vine, and even Fran.

'What's with Ariane's eyes?'

There was a hint of madness in Ariane's eyes.

In contrast, Vine's expression was filled with pure curiosity, and Fran looked bewildered, as if they had really just tagged along.

Besides, shouldn't Fran be the first priority for enhancement?

But Fran showed no interest at all, while Ariane was the most enthusiastic.

"You're going to try again?"

"Yes!! +12!!!!!! It has to be +12!!!!"

"Didn't you say you'd use +11 for now? +11 isn't bad either."

There's no way +11 felt lacking.

After all, unique equipment has significantly better specs than other equipment, doesn't it?

Being unsatisfied after enhancing it to +11 made no sense.

The reason they're crying out for +12 again is probably...

"Did you flex on Ariane?"

"F...lex? What's that?"

The thing you did to Ariane.

'Or not?'

Shine's eyes were clearer than expected.

Well, even without Shine flexing, seeing a +12 weapon right in front of them after failing their own +12 attempt must have been quite the stimulus.

It would be strange if they weren't going crazy.

'Especially since Ariane invested much more money.'