Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast - Chapter 116

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

EP.116 Fight League (2)

Ever since humanity first set foot on Earth, we’ve been able to see rankings being established in every time and place on this small blue sphere floating in space.

It was no different in the oceans of the early 21st century, thanks to these six currently growling at each other while sitting around the sofa.

While having a hierarchy among friends isn’t exactly ideal, the less ideal things are in this world, the more interesting they tend to be.

Parang and friends had long since realized this fact, so they never hesitated to determine who among them was stronger, faster, and more agile.

Thus, their regular gatherings to duke it out became something of an annual tradition.

Well, it’s not like they’re actual battle maniacs. There are some practical benefits too.

If you’re wondering in what way, it’s obviously for training purposes.

To train properly, you naturally need to fight against opponents who are either equal to or stronger than yourself.

Or at the very least, spar with someone who has good endurance.

That’s how you can refine your techniques or develop new combination moves.

The problem is, to find a sea creature that can withstand Oceanos’s serious punch at that level, you’d have to search all the world’s oceans.

When everyone explodes with just one skill hit, there’s hardly any training value in that.

In that sense, exchanging martial arts knowledge with each other is tremendously helpful.

Ah, of course. This is just the reason Vertea tacked on later.

It’s not that they started fighting because it was good training; rather, they fought first and then realized the training benefits were a nice bonus.

So even if Yuna hadn’t gotten involved, they probably would have had an exciting match among themselves at some point.

However, that’s not to say Yuna’s presence had no impact on these fights. Her addition brought one major new variable.

That was ‘broadcasting.’

Six ocean bigshots on par with Yu Parang going at it with each other.

Yuna, catching the scent of dopamine about to explode, proposed live streaming.

Whether or not they’d be good at broadcasting wasn’t important.

It’s not like they needed to deliver lines while fighting – they just needed to show off their spectacular combat.

And based on Yuna’s assessment after meeting Parang, Diego, and Vertea, there was no way a fight between them wouldn’t be spectacular.

At first, Oceanos was somewhat reluctant.

Besides the issue of exposing their capabilities, well, you know how it is.

It’s like if you and your friends are sitting in a restaurant having your usual silly conversations, and someone says it’s so entertaining they want to livestream it on the internet.

This isn’t exactly an easy proposal to accept unless you’ve got some seriously thick skin.

But the reluctance was short-lived, and soon everyone agreed to the proposal.

Exposing their capabilities was meaningless to begin with.

Let’s say hostile forces learned how Oceanos fights underwater. Could they then defeat Oceanos in underwater combat?

Obviously not.

The embarrassment issue was easily resolved by Elvira, whose eyes had gone wild.

“I mean, no matter what, broadcasting ourselves fighting each other might be a bit…”

“Hmm? Why, Parang? Are you scared?”

“Turn on the camera.”

And thus, live broadcast!

Through Yuna’s account, twenty times more viewers than usual flooded in.

All of them were members of Yu Parang’s Darkness and Light.

What they saw upon entering the broadcast was a massive underwater colosseum.

Inside the huge spherical object were the Oceanos Six and Sin Yuna.

In the center of the sphere was a vast empty space prepared for dueling, and the commentary booth seats made of bone by Xiao stood prominently in a position overlooking the entire arena.

Unusually, Sin Yuna had entered the water directly without using a submarine, for the sake of maintaining the broadcast’s sense of immediacy. The submarine was placed beside her, ready to serve as filming equipment.

As for safety concerns, well, with all of Oceanos present, what was there to worry about? At this moment, there probably wasn’t a safer place on Earth.

The viewers’ reactions were naturally enthusiastic.

─Parang you bastard, do I have to see you here?? Aren’t you starting the broadcast?

─Wow it’s Professor Kyo!

─The 500m guy’s presence is insane lol Even without growing huge he looks about 2m tall

─Can we see the channel owner battle today?

─Let’s go~ Let’s go~ Let’s go~

However, they couldn’t see Yu Parang’s long-awaited battle scenes from the start.

This was because Elvira, whose eyes had gone wild at the prospect of a power battle after so long, had begged and pleaded to go first.

The opponent she chose was, Russell Bright.

Parang and the rest of Oceanos took on commentary roles, while Sin Yuna sat in the caster’s seat.

The two took their positions in the center of the sphere, facing each other.

“Shall we start without wasting time?”

Elvira emanated waves of fierce energy.

Her red eyes glowed ominously as similarly red energy waves burst forth violently.

“I don’t understand why you’re so confident when you’re going to lose anyway.”

Russell removed his sunglasses, revealing golden eyes.

Golden tattoos appeared across his entire body as brilliant light spread in all directions.

Gills sprouted on his nape, while a tail and dorsal fins grew from his back and waist.

Their auras, as they faced each other in the center of the sphere, were so powerful that the bursting energy split the arena perfectly in half, staining each side in different colors.

The viewers could only be shocked at the sight.

─Holy shit what are they

─Whoa this is insane, got chills

To be honest, the viewers hadn’t been expecting their duel to be quite this dramatic.

This was because of their self-introductions before the battle began.

Let’s listen to the self-introductions they gave, being unfamiliar with the camera.

“Elvira Petrov. My personal skill is ‘Red Wave’, and I’m good with explosives.”

“I’m Russell Bright. I have ‘Critical Bite’, and um… I can turn into a shark.”

This was like Michael Jackson appearing in a mask and saying “My name is Michael. I like to dance.”

Naturally, expectations for the performance were bound to be completely shattered.

The only reason expectations hadn’t completely disappeared was because of Parang’s reputation, and what Diego and Vertea had shown so far.

But the sight of these two now facing each other and emanating tremendous pressure was something that could never be expressed by simple phrases like “good with explosives” or “can turn into a shark.”

─Whoa holy shit this is insane

─They introduced themselves like THAT after having this much power????

─???: Hello, I’m a B-rank hunter who operates underwater.”


─LOL gasp

─How dare you say that about the channel owner

“What’s the head-to-head record between these two?”

“Ah, they’ve fought six times so far, and they’ve all been draws.”

Yuna threw out a well-timed question, and Vertea caught it smoothly.

“What?! All draws after six matches? It must be quite evenly matched to achieve that.”

“Well, that’s part of it, but their fighting styles are both incredibly crude. Even when it seems even, as soon as the fight drags on a bit, they both go all out against each other. When the fights end, they’re always both knocked out. Though each claims they knocked the other out first…”

To the side, Xiao sat cross-legged, looking contemptuously at the two glaring at each other in the arena.

Her voice carried a hint of disdain.

When the broadcast showed the barefoot beauty sitting cross-legged with a contemptuous expression, the chat naturally exploded.

─Holy shiiit


─These beasts are something else AWOOOOOO GRRR WOOF WOOF

‘Why do they enjoy showing contempt so much, just like last time…’

Parang’s eternal question only grew.

Well, anyway. Amidst the exploding dopamine, the battle began.


Surprisingly, it was Elvira who opened the battle, launching forward with the sound of cannon fire.

Strictly speaking, there was no type advantage between Russell and Elvira. One style involved rushing the opponent with countless explosives to blow them up, while the other involved rushing in with incredible agility to bite the opponent up close.

It was a battle of whether Russell could reach Elvira before she could blow him up, or whether Elvira could blow Russell up before he could reach her.

From this perspective, Elvira charging at Russell first was practically like forfeiting the battle.

However, as soon as the battle began, Elvira summoned and detonated a mine behind herself.

She was using the explosive force to quickly approach Russell.

“Whoa!! That, that!! Isn’t that completely outside common sense?!”

Yuna threw out the question in a voice half exaggerated, half serious, as she watched this outrageous tactic.

The chat also reacted with disbelief at this beyond-common-sense tactic.

─Whoa why is she getting close

─She’s crazy lololol

─I knew it when she said she handles explosives, she’s just insane

─Well, she must have some plan

Well, as the last chat message said, Elvira did have something in mind.

Good lord, in a battle where the title of ‘I’m stronger than you’ was at stake, there was no way Elvira would act to lose.

Oceanos knew this too, so they simply told Yuna and the viewers calmly.

“Keep watching. You’ll see why she’s doing this.”

And Russell, also knowing why Elvira was charging at him, didn’t meet her head-on but sharply changed direction upward to escape her trajectory.

And right after Russell escaped Elvira’s path.



From Elvira’s starting point to her destination, what looked like thousands of explosions occurred in a straight line one after another.

At this terrifying explosion that seemed completely unhinged, Sin Yuna’s jaw nearly hit the floor.

“Wh-what was that!!! That explosion just now!! What in the…!!!!”

─What the hell lololololololol

─How can that sound even exist underwater

─That firepower isn’t even human anymore

─Told you she’s crazy…

In that moment, both Yuna and the viewers watching the broadcast could all feel it.

That today, one legendary video – no, perhaps quite a few – would be born.