[Episode 165] Recompense (9)
As the recitation of the oath concluded, the knighting ceremony proceeded. Silveryn, seated next to me, crossed her legs and watched the stage intently.
Soon after, Archduke Gainax rose.
His prominent aquiline nose and thick neck, the pronounced cheekbones and square jaw, and the neatly trimmed beard. His large frame made even the finest clothing seem tight. If not for his regal garments, Gainax could have been mistaken for a brawler from the streets with his robust and powerful appearance.
Seeing him, the rumors about his preference for robust men as suitors for his kin seemed all the more plausible. To his eyes, other men must appear weak and frail by comparison.
Blinding sunshine poured through the skylight of the dome, focusing right on the knights who stepped forward to represent the knighthood ceremony.
There were only five knights representing the ceremony. Their ages ranged from twenties to what seemed like grandparents, with no apparent commonality in appearance.
Whatever deeds they had accomplished, the respectful gazes they received from the apprentice knights indicated they each must have carried significant achievements on their shoulders.
T h i s w a s co p i ed f r o m k i n g mt l. o r g
The knights’ silver armor shone brilliantly. A gentle breeze caused their capes to flutter. It was a scene straight out of a painting.
The Memorial Hall was so quiet and solemn it was reminiscent of a religious ceremony.
T h is w as co pied f r o m k in g mt l. or g
“Ronoun of Redfield, come forth to the stage!”
When Archduke Gainax called out the name, a knight in his thirties ascended the stairs from below the dais.
Everyone looked up at him with eyes filled with envy and admiration.
The first knight to come forward knelt before the Archduke.
“Ronoun of Redfield. Even amidst poverty and famine, you have not lost your integrity and honor and have been an example to others. Under the blessing of the Goddess, you shall grow even stronger, and I shall stand behind you. By the heavens’ will, I bestow upon you the title of knight and a silver sword blessed by the Goddess.”
The knight named Ronoun removed his helmet and spoke,
“I pledge to live by the virtues of knighthood, holding my sword until my arm turns to bone.”
Th is w as c opi e d f r o m k in g m t l. o rg
A cleric then offered a silver sword cushioned on silk to him. As he accepted the sword, a refined applause erupted from the audience.
The ceremony continued with the next knight’s name being called.
“Sorel of the Empty Plains, in the face of despair, you remained unbroken and used your wisdom to save the pitiful souls of children. Use the blessing that dwells within your mind for the good of the world.”
Silveryn, who had been watching with a bored look, quietly whispered to me,
“I’ve heard of Sorel. He faced a notorious vampire known for abducting children and, armed with nothing but his wit, he rescued all the captives without spilling a drop of blood.”
“Indeed. A victory gained without fighting is all the more precious. The name was so striking it has stayed with me.”
If Silveryn remembered him, it must be an extraordinary feat. The world was vast, and there were many remarkable people.
Each of these knights had achieved something aligned with the virtues of knighthood and was being praised for it. Silveryn squinted at me, scrutinizing my face.
“But my student… why such a look?”
Honestly, it stung a bit that Silveryn, who was stingy with praise, spoke well of this man, Sorel, who was close to my own age.
“It’s nothing.”
Silveryn chuckled softly, reassuringly placing her hand on the back of mine.
I had earned some measure of renown as well, but it seemed insufficient by the Duchy’s standards. If they had something to bestow upon me, I would have been amongst those five knights. Considering my previous encounters with hostile nobles, expecting anything was probably unreasonable.
With the somber atmosphere, the knighting of five individuals concluded. Was the event nearing its end? The clerics disappeared from the stage. The audience, too, began to straighten their attire, seemingly preparing for the conclusion.
T h i s w a s c op i e d f ro m k in g m t l . o r g
However, Archduke Gainax remained standing even after the knights had returned to their places.
Just when I thought the ceremony was over, five clerics ascended the dais, holding something aloft for all to see.
It was a platinum shield embossed with the Duchy’s lion crest.
Then, cutting through the silence, Archduke Gainax’s resounding voice echoed,
“Knight Damian of Weisel, heed the call of the Duchy of Ulyssia.”
For a moment, I doubted my ears. Had I heard correctly? The Archduke’s booming call still resonated. My heart pounded as if I had been struck by lightning.
T h i s w as c o p ie d fr o m k in g m t l . o r g
Slowly, as if on cue, the audience began to stand. Everyone did so, waiting for the called individual to step forward.
I looked reflexively at Silveryn. She was smiling warmly and nodded at me. She must have known all along.
“Go on, my beloved student.”
I almost forgot to say I would return.
As I stood up, Silveryn’s hand slid from mine. I walked across the hall, not quite believing I was the one being called. The steps did not come easily.
The multitude standing looked at me with an unadorned respect that felt undeserved.
In the silence, only my footsteps were permitted to make a sound.
Finally, I ascended the stage and faced Archduke Gainax. I bowed as the others had, following the formality.
With a kind look that seemed out of place for his rugged features, he inspected me and allowed a faint smile to cross his face.
“…Despite being scorned, you harbored no grudge, and in the face of overwhelming evil, you alone did not abandon hope. Even with no way out, you showed ingenuity in overcoming adversity, and bravely fought in the face of death.”
“Thanks to you, many knights, vassals, and Vivi, the descendent of the Goddess, were able to preserve their lives. You have proven yourself a knight of honor, embodying the virtues of knighthood more than any other, and deserving of everyone’s respect. Therefore, this platinum shield is yours, and your deeds will be enshrined in the history of the Duchy.”
“I am honored, yet this is exceedingly more than I deserve.”
The Archduke spoke softly,
“…Additionally, as the father of a child, I wish to express my gratitude to you.”
The clerics approached and presented the platinum shield to me. I took a deep breath and accepted the shield. Indeed, it was as weighty as the significance it carried.
I later learned that among the esteemed individuals who had received the title “Knights of the Platinum Shield,” there were three swordmasters including Zeldan Hart and one archmage.
Contrary to their fame, the portraits of those swordmasters stored in my memory were anything but glamorous, rather shabby in truth. That’s because when they were awarded the shield, they were simply wanderers, farmers, actors of a traveling troupe – individuals of no particular standing.
Their notoriety came much later in their lives.
Luna, carrying an armful of firewood, laid it carefully in the hearth. The chef, watching her, said,
“My goodness, how can such a delicate body carry all that. Wait, I’ll fetch the flint.”
“…It’s alright.”
T h i s w a s c o p ie d f r om k i n g m t l . o rg
Luna nonchalantly summoned a spirit and ignited the firewood. The flames took hold instantly without the need for bellows.
The plump female chef’s eyes rounded in surprise.
“Is that magic? So, you truly are a student from Eternia.”
Having lived a life with no ties to spirits, the chef didn’t recognize the floating figure.
“…Something like that,”
“Is that so? But the fire seems a bit strong.”
No sooner had she finished speaking than the roaring flames subsided to a gentle burn.
“Oh my, oh my.”
The chef let out exclamations of astonishment.
Unimpressed, Luna secured her long blonde hair back and tied an apron around her, ready to prepare the meal.
She then hefted a large pot onto the hearth.
“I’m ready…”
“Good. Mix in the meat and herbs and simmer it over a low fire for two hours. Remember to add bay leaves, pepper, and longdinal root.”
T h i s wa s co pi ed fro m k i n g m tl . o rg
“…Is the fire alright now?”
The chef leaned down to check the hearth and replied,
T h i s w a s c o pi ed fr o m k in g mt l . or g
“Perfect. Luna, fetch the ingredients from the storage. You’re too slender for heavy lifting. I’ll fill the pot with water in the meantime.”
After dividing the tasks, Luna returned with the ingredients to find the pot already boiling over.
The chef was busy trimming the meat for the stew, while Luna quietly washed the longdinal roots by her side.
As steam filled the kitchen, the chef glanced sideways at Luna.
Pale skin to the point of being white, long slender hands without a callus. Cat-like eyes and a doll-like face. She moved with a noble grace, utterly out of place in this greasy, meat-smelling kitchen.
“But looking at you, you seem well-bred, even attending the Academy…”
“Why would you want to learn work in a place like this? I was taken aback when Granny Pinyar introduced you to me. You don’t fit in with kitchen work. With your studies to focus on, it seems rather pitiful that you’ve come all the way to Rigved to toil like this.”
Luna replied in her usual calm tone,
T h is w as co pi e d fr o m k i n g m tl .or g
“…It’s fine.”
“Is it because you can’t afford your school fees? If you can do magic like that, you could find a much better job. Everyone’s scrambling to recruit the top students. Even if you’re not valedictorian, you seem capable of making a living.”
Feeling a bit embarrassed, Luna replied timidly,
“It’s not that…”
“If you don’t mind me asking, may I know why? I’m too curious.”
“…I want to learn cooking.”
The chef paused chopping meat to gaze at Luna intently.
“If you’re from such an esteemed background, you must have many underlings to order around. Why come all the way here to suffer?”
“I… like this.”
“Well, that’s unusual. What do you plan to do with the cooking skills?”
“It’s a secret.”
“Come on, what is it? What’s so important that you have to hide it?”
“Why not tell me? If I know, maybe I could help.”
She hesitated before speaking shyly.
“The thing is, when I return home… with a friend…”
Luna bowed her head, avoiding the chef’s gaze.
“What? What did you say?”
“When I go back… for a… celebration…”
Luna’s voice grew fainter and was eventually drowned out by the sound of boiling water.
“What? You want your friend to work here too?”
T h i s w a s c op i ed fr o m k i ngm tl .o r g