Correcting the Villainess of the Academy - Chapter 86

Chapter 86

The Red Flower Falls (13)

Yeon Minha turned her body slightly, looking embarrassed. Just as it seemed she might leave for the garden alone, she stood in front of me again. She then looked around unnecessarily and raised her left arm with the back of her hand visible.


As I stared blankly, unable to guess her intention, she finally spoke up, seemingly unable to hold back.

“…You’re supposed to escort me.”

She added one more sentence.

“It’s proper etiquette when a man and woman go out together in a place like this.”

“I don’t know how to do that. I’ve never done anything like it before.”

T h i s w as c o pi e d f r o m kin gm t l . o rg
“R-really? You’ve never done it…?”

Yeon Minha’s prim expression crumbled a bit. For some reason, I felt like I could sense a hint of relief.

“I thought so. How could you have done this before? But don’t worry too much. I’ll teach you myself, so be grateful.”

“You really don’t have to…”

“T-this is the most basic etiquette… If you show such an attitude at events, you’ll be laughed at behind your back… It would also reflect poorly on your sponsor…”

I don’t like that. Though unintended, Yeon Minha’s persuasion seemed to have worked effectively.

“If that’s the case…”

As I nodded, Yeon Minha swallowed hard. Then she came to my side and slipped her thin fingers around my arm to grasp it.

She was so close that I could even hear her heartbeat.

The word “escort” reminded me of something belatedly.

When I was in the Northeast, during breaks, the older sisters would stand on either side of me, link arms, and drag me around.

‘Our Hyun is so lucky, huh? Having such pretty older sisters escort him on both sides.’

‘What are you doing to a child… How shameless at your age…’

‘You shut up…!’

And then the image of the captain getting hit square in the forehead by a stone thrown by Chaewon noona, which he failed to dodge.

Back then, I didn’t know it was something a man does for a woman. I also didn’t know it was done by one person, not two.

Moreover, back then, only an unpleasant tingling sensation flowed through my arm where we touched, but now with Yeon Minha, I only feel a warm and comfortable warmth where our arms meet.

Of course, regardless of the sensation, the older sisters are also very precious people to me… but that subtle difference still amazes me even now.

The only disconcerting thing is… the sensation of something weighty above where her fingers are grasping.

Should I say something about this? But Yeon Minha doesn’t seem to mind it at all. Surely she’s not unaware of it… I’m not sure.

“Ahem, ahem. You’re doing well. Do it like this next time too.”

“Will there be a next time?”

“Of course there will be. Countless times, I’m sure…”

Then, as if remembering something she had forgotten, she hastily added one more thing.

“Ah, but don’t let just anyone walk by your side. This is only allowed between those who share an exceptionally close relationship. For example, those who share not just one, but several secrets…”

It’s not like I have anyone else to do this with anyway.

Yeon Minha, who had been spouting a lengthy explanation, suddenly came to her senses and urged me on.

“Come on, let’s go now. At this rate, the food we prepared will get cold…”

I matched my pace with her and headed out to the garden path connected to the annex.

Unlike last night when everything was hidden in the darkness of the new moon, today the place was filled with bright flowers blooming everywhere, emitting sweet fragrances in all directions.

In the center of the garden, a quaint table was set with a light breakfast for two, steaming gently.

T h is wa s c o p i e d fr om k in g m t l. o r g
Seated at the table, Yeon Minha pushed most of the food towards me.

Unlike yesterday, the atmosphere was comfortable, making the meal pleasant.

The only slightly burdensome thing was the pair of eyes fixed on me throughout the meal…

After finishing the meal, I confessed to Yeon Minha about my nighttime excursion.

“Um, senior. Actually…”

I told her everything – about going for a walk, smelling blood, sneaking out of the annex, and witnessing the servants moving blood-soaked sacks into a building that looked like a warehouse.

At first, Yeon Minha’s expression was somewhat resentful, but as the story progressed, her face grew increasingly serious.

“Anyway, that’s what happened. I’m really sorry for wandering around on my own…”

“…No, it’s fine. I gave you permission in the first place. And you didn’t snoop around with bad intentions…”

“Is that so? Thank you. By the way, is it common to do such work at night?”

“No. Absolutely not. Beasts and spirits are active at night, so you never know what accidents might occur. That’s why, except for security personnel, everyone else is restricted from outdoor activities at night. Unless there’s an emergency.”

Yeon Minha shook her head from side to side, not up and down.

“Moreover, if there were blood-stained sacks, it means there were animals or beasts inside… If it was such a large-scale operation, a report should have already been sent to the main house when they woke up. But I haven’t heard anything…”

As if our thoughts aligned, we both turned our gazes towards the open area outside the garden. The annex was on somewhat high ground, allowing us to see the buildings and various facilities below at a glance.

It was spread out widely across six points centered around the main gate.

I could also vaguely make out the exterior of a facility similar to the warehouse I saw yesterday.

“…I don’t understand why they rearranged the facilities like that either. They didn’t place the employee dormitories in sunny spots, nor did they put the logistics warehouses near the roads… There’s absolutely no regularity to be found. And the butler who was supposed to explain things is nowhere to be seen, holed up in the inner house taking care of father…”

Yeon Minha muttered, furrowing her brow as she looked at the landscape. I shared her sense of unease.

While it wasn’t my place to judge right or wrong, the way the facilities were clustered at each point definitely gave a strange impression to the observer. On the other hand, it also felt oddly familiar for some reason.

The feeling of being on the verge of remembering something but not quite getting there is frustrating.
T h i s w a s c o p ie d f r om k i n g m tl . or g

Why is that?

T hi s w a s cop ie d f r om ki n gm tl . o r g
“…I think we need to look into this a bit more.”

Yeon Minha looked around and beckoned to two servants waiting at the edge of the garden. They immediately ran over with quick steps, having been watching Yeon Minha’s movements all along.

“Those kids seem to be the ones mother brought from the main house, so they’re still around. They’ve been watching closely for years, so they should know the family situation well. I should ask them.”

T hi s w as c o p i ed f rom k i ngm t l. o rg
Yeon Minha turned to face the servants who stood before her with bowed heads.

“Tell me what happened at the mansion while I was gone. Don’t leave anything out.”

T h i s wa s c o p i e d f r o m ki n g m tl . org

T hi s w a s c o p i e d fr o m k i n g m t l . o rg
When the servants couldn’t even answer properly and swallowed hiccups, Yeon Minha’s cold aura burst out more ferociously, as if about to devour them.

“How dare you show such an attitude in front of the heir of Jeokhwa…”


I couldn’t get used to her suddenly changed demeanor. I thought her personality had improved lately, but maybe not?

Well, I suppose she could be like this when there are frustrating matters in the family.

Judging by their hesitant looks, there definitely seems to be something going on.

But this kind of intimidation is almost the worst method for interrogation. Forceful methods are only a last resort when it comes to extracting information.

At least, that’s what I know in theory. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever really tried to gently coax someone either…

“I promise that the fact you spoke up will be kept secret from everyone. Please feel at ease and speak honestly.”

At this, Yeon Minha gave me a surprised look. For some reason, I felt a fleeting sense of injustice.

Even so, it seems to have unintentionally become a carrot and stick strategy, as the servants finally spoke up to Yeon Minha with somewhat relieved expressions, competing to tell their stories.

“The new people who came are a bit strange… The old butler used to be kind…”

“Their eyes are scary for no reason… They don’t talk much… They always move around in groups…”

“The surroundings have been unsettling lately… I went down to the village below, and they say homeless people have been disappearing from the slums every night…”

“Some people say they heard sounds like animal cries… There are claw marks and bloodstains left behind too…”
Th i s w a s c o p i e d f r om k i n gm t l . or g

“People from the Security Bureau came and left… These days, it’s gotten to the point where we can’t go out at all after sunset…”

“We can’t even talk much among ourselves… The inner house where madam stays is packed with security, but it feels more like surveillance than protection…”

“Madam has even started drinking heavily recently, which she never used to do…”

Once their mouths opened, they spilled everything like a broken dam. They rambled on about matters that seemed completely unrelated to what Yeon Minha had asked, only falling silent again after they had finished.

After compiling their testimonies, Yeon Minha fell into deep thought before speaking.

“…Perhaps the new butler is up to something.”
T hi s w as cop i e d f r o m k i n g m t l. o r g

“Him? But how…”

“That’s what we need to find out now. Do you know what’s most important when managing a large family or business like this? It’s keeping a tight grip on the middle management.”

I recalled the middle-aged man who had seemed somewhat suspicious.

“Nine out of ten of those guys are always looking for a chance to take advantage of their masters. Taking the opportunity while father’s health is poor… Come to think of it, how is father doing these days?”

As if remembering something, Yeon Minha asked the servant beside her.

“Since we attend to madam, we’re not entirely sure, but… Recently, his complexion seems to have improved a lot… His face has filled out, and he’s been appearing outside more often…”

“Father has…?”

Yeon Minha’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. I had heard from her that there was no known cure for mental contamination. At best, attempts were made to delay the symptoms as much as possible, and even that had no effect on her.

As a direct descendant of a spirit mage family, her father would have experienced mental contamination proportional to his outstanding talent. So it’s understandable for her to be surprised that he showed signs of improvement.

“Yes. And for the past two years, a nun has been frequently visiting the mansion… I remember that his expression was quite bright after meeting with her… I wonder if that might have had an influence…”

“A nun, you say… I see. You may go.”

After dismissing the servants with a wave of her hand, Yeon Minha turned to me and said.

“Our family sponsors some facilities like poorhouses established by religious organizations. I guess someone related to that might have been visiting… Maybe he received some counseling…”

“That could be possible.”

“…Anyway, I think we need to check this out. I’ll have to go to that warehouse you mentioned myself. So, I was wondering… could you help me…?”

“Of course I can help, but… Wouldn’t it be better to just tell the adults?”

Yeon Minha shook her head at my words.
Th i s wa s c o p i e d f r o m ki n g m t l . or g

“I can’t worry them with uncertain matters. And if they really are up to no good, we need to gather evidence discreetly. If we make a fuss and they notice, they might destroy any incriminating evidence…”

“If that’s the case… I understand.”

“Thank you. I have a dinner scheduled with father this evening, so we can set out after that.”

There was no particular reason for me not to help. After all, if things go well for Yeon Minha, it’s good for me too.

Her speculation also seemed somewhat plausible. If it’s true, it would explain why the newly arrived servants had been giving us wary looks. If they were up to something while the masters were incapacitated, of course they’d be nervous when the young mistress returned.

Of course, I still have no idea about the identity of the blood-soaked sacks or why the buildings were arranged so strangely… but I guess we’ll find out when we check, right?

But the mention of him relying on a nun sounds quite strange to me. Even the head of such an enormous family seeks comfort in religion?

The only connection I have with religion seems to be pretending to pray for candy when I was young.

If there really is a God… I don’t think they would inflict such misfortune on someone.

End of Chapter

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Hey there! It's your boy SOMA here!🚀

I would like to share with you guys a sad news. My previous collaborator of this project is no longer interested in continuing the project due to personal reasons. Even so, I would like to carry on in developing this project (If I had time, actually I barely have time). Updates are below:

- Added NEW indication for new chapters.

- Updated Chapter buttons.

Note: I actually need a sponsor to run this project in the long run, if you are interested, kindly contact me @