Correcting the Villainess of the Academy - Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Chemical Bond (3)

“Yesterday, the Southern Dispatch Investigation Team sent their progress report. It was difficult to verify due to all the mutilation, but they identified all the dark mages you slaughtered.”

A woman sitting on a sofa opposite Yeon Minha spoke after taking a sip from her teacup.

Behind her, the nameplate ‘Principal Hae Wolhwa’ on the desk came into Yeon Minha’s view.

“Lee Jisang, Head of the Southern Army Guerrilla Unit of the People’s Liberation Front, also known as the ‘Southern Tiger.’ It’s confirmed that he was the blacklisted fugitive you encountered.”

Though she didn’t look much older than Yeon Minha, her manner of speech reflected her many years of experience.

Her presence exuded a subtle scent akin to fresh grass.

“In addition, there were 5 red-listed fugitives, 32 yellow-listed fugitives, and 234 outlaws infiltrating Jinryeong, with a total of 482 including those surrounding the canyon…”

Hae Wolhwa shook her head as if she’d heard an unbelievable joke.

“Honestly, I’m still stunned. I’ve read the official report three times already. If it weren’t for the unique particle traces of the Marvellous Blade, no one would have believed that one person dealt with the majority of them…”

Marvellous was indeed the model name of the blade he used.

It was a high-performance blade from S&C, owned by Heukryeon Sashi, but only a few gifted cyclic mages could fully utilize its potential.

However, in her memory, he wielded the Marvellous Blade as if it were an extension of himself.


Yeon Minha elegantly sipped her tea, listening intently.

Hearing the principal’s words made her heart flutter as if it might float away.

Even though they were talking about someone else, she had to exert considerable effort to not show her emotions.

T hi s was co p i ed f r o m k i n g mt l .o r g
This too was one of the strange symptoms she had been experiencing lately.

“That child always exceeds my expectations…”

The principal murmured as she turned her body.

Her gaze fixed on a large strategic map embedded in the office wall.

The northern half of the peninsula was entirely blacked out. The southern half, where administrative control was clearer, covered less than half the territory.

Rebellion and anti-state symbols and codes were scattered throughout the map.

“The outlaws infiltrating Jinryeong were identified as the elite 1st Regiment of the Southern Army of the PLF. The military estimates they suffered critical, irrecoverable losses for at least five years.”

Hae Wolhwa muttered as she looked at the widespread identifier of the People’s Liberation Front.

“Although Jinryeong suffered significant damage, there is a prospect that the Southern region might stabilize for a while. With demons stirring again in the North, this is an undeniable achievement.”

“Is that so…”
T h i s w a s c o p i e d fr o m k in g mt l . o r g

“I heard that this time, you might actually receive the Geumseong Martial Honor Medal. It’s almost certain. In such a clear case, even Paechun can’t oppose it. They might stay silent to avoid backlash.”

Yeon Minha’s lips curled up involuntarily at the continued good news.

Noticing this, Hae Wolhwa quickly exploited the moment with a curious expression.

“You seem awfully happy for someone else’s achievement. The awardees for the Geumseong Martial Honor Medal will be two people. That child. And you.”

T h i s w as c opi ed f r om ki n g mt l. or g

Attempting to maintain her poise, Yeon Minha stared wide-eyed at the principal.

“Moreover, the other participants in the mission will receive the Chungmu Medal.”

“What do you mean…”

Though the Chungmu Medal was understandable, the Geumseong Martial Honor Medal was the highest honor given for achievements linked to significant national impact.

The added points could overturn her ranking, trailing far behind Baek Seoyeon, and it would bring great honor and various benefits to her descendants.

But she hadn’t earned that honor.

While it might be understandable for the one who beheaded the leader and prevented the complete destruction and contamination of Jinryeong, she couldn’t understand why she was being credited with such an achievement.

“Why am I getting this… What did I do…”
T hi s was co p i e d f r o m kin g mt l . or g

“You did quite a lot. Didn’t you slaughter dozens of outlaws on your own? Wasn’t it 84? Frankly, that’s an outstanding achievement that most wouldn’t even dream of.”

“But even so, the Geumseong…”

“Oh, and I didn’t mention one thing. Officially, you will be recognized as the one who took down Lee Jisang. Half of the outlaws killed will also be credited to you.”

“What… What do you mean by that?”

Yeon Minha cut off the principal’s words, clenching her teeth. The principal merely looked back with an enigmatic smile.

“There’s someone who truly deserves that honor…”
T hi s wa s c o pie d f r om k i n g mt l . o r g

T hi s wa s c opie d fr o m k i n gm t l .o r g
“Let me be clear, this was suggested by that child.”


However, Hae Wolhwa’s subsequent words made Yeon Minha’s anger dissipate like smoke.

She recalled his words from the battlefield.

‘Geumseong Martial Honor Medal. Congratulations in advance.’

“Isn’t he considerate? Anyone would think he’s your husband. Right?”


“Come to think of it, you look much better these days. It’s all thanks to him, isn’t it? I heard the two of you are getting ‘very close’ lately. Never would have guessed…”

“Cl-Close…! Even if you’re the principal, that’s a tasteless joke…!!”

The principal’s subtly emphasized phrasing made Yeon Minha react more strongly.

The strange cohabitation with the masked boy filled her mind.

Though the principal treated her well due to the political situation, if that fact got out, she wouldn’t be able to show her face anywhere.

“Enough. It seems you being in the spotlight is more fitting. He said he’s fine with the credit for the miscellaneous accomplishments. I figured it made sense and offered my support. Frankly, those accomplishments aren’t trivial either…”
T h is wa s c opi e d f r o m k i n g m t l . org

The principal grinned mischievously at Yeon Minha.

“Take it. It won’t harm you, right? Especially considering the current situation with Jeokhwa Yeon.”

“…Alright. I should be going. See you next time.”

Yeon Minha stood up abruptly.

She couldn’t bear to sit still any longer.

After bidding the principal farewell, she paused at the door and turned back.

“Did they find out who the Revelator mentioned by the outlaws is?”

“There’s speculation it might be a concept borrowed from the demons, but it’s not certain yet. I’ll update you once the investigation concludes.”

“Got it. Thank you.”

Yeon Minha nodded and exited the principal’s office. Her hurried footsteps echoed faintly beyond the door.


After Yeon Minha left, Hae Wolhwa silently stared at the map again.

The principal, who had been all smiles moments ago, now had a dark, grim expression.


“Why are you doing this? Get a grip.”

Yeon Minha muttered to herself, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her face, normally hidden behind disheveled hair, was flushed red.

Thankfully, no one was around; otherwise, anyone would think she was losing her mind.

“This is driving me crazy…”

Seeing her pathetic state, she muttered in frustration.

Recently, she had been experiencing emotional turmoil like never before.

The cause was obvious—the boy in the mask.

His contradictory behavior towards her was a significant factor in her confusion.

T h i s w a s co pi e d fro m k i ngm tl. o r g
Sometimes he treated her worse than a back alley prostitute, and other times he was as gentle as if handling a precious artifact.


Thinking about it made her bow her head in embarrassment.

“No, no, no…!”

At first, she suspected it was an extension of the fear she had for him. But she soon realized that was wrong.
T h is was c o p ie d f ro m k i n g m t l .or g

Thinking about him made her happy. She had to suppress a smile whenever she exchanged a few words with him.

It wasn’t fear she felt.

Realizing this, Yeon Minha tried desperately to deny her feelings.

“Get a grip, Yeon Minha. You are one of the most esteemed individuals in this country…”

Yeon Minha considered herself someone who knew how to distinguish between right and wrong.

And she was well aware that he was not like the other men who clung to her for their benefit.

Moreover, she had no intention of ignoring the favor she had received. He had risked his life to save her from danger. Saving a member of one of the Five Families was no small feat.

And he was even willing to share the honor of the Geumseong Martial Honor Medal with her. Her personal pride wouldn’t allow her to admit it, but if he was drawing a bigger picture and wanted her to be part of it, she couldn’t refuse.

Even if she expressed her will, he could simply refer to the contract.

Regardless, she intended to repay his kindness more than he had given, and she was willing to forget how roughly he had treated her in the past.

But that and these absurd feelings were entirely different matters.

She was one of the most esteemed individuals. Except for Baek Seoyeon, no one of her age could compare to her in appearance, ability, or background.

It was absurd for her to give her heart so easily. Even more so to someone like him.

He was a perverted lecher who treated women without any consideration. She had suffered greatly at his hands, her private space violated.

And he must be hideous under that mask. Otherwise, he wouldn’t wear a mask that covered everything but his mouth.


Lost in thought, Yeon Minha suddenly had an idea, and her face lit up.

She had thought of a perfect way to quell these absurd feelings.

Her high and exacting aesthetic standards would be the key.

This w a s c opi e d fro m k i ngmt l .o r g
“Yes… That’ll do…!”

Yeon Minha quickly headed towards the hospital ward.

She calmed her racing heart at the thought of seeing him.

End of Chapter